Hollow Idol

I think it’s more about association, just look at The Protomen and their song Hold Back the Night. It’s their song continuing their rock opera based of the Megaman series, this song is detailing what happened at the end of Megaman when he killed Protoman. But a ton of massive alt right supporters hijacked the song and

Yes, because again the developer had complete power over the glitch, and if the glitch in question was that game breaking, take the game offline until said glitch was worked out. But since this glitch was exclusive to Doc, a character I do tend to play at times, the right thing to do in this situation would have been

Exactly what you said, numerous games already have been doing this, if the game doesn’t detect any player movement or interaction with a set amount of time, the game removes you. Games off the top of my head that do this are GTA5, Overwatch, and Final Fantasy 14. You can’t really ban people for disappearing from the

I’m going to defend OP here, buying 3rd party hardware loaded with software that alters a games code, is much more malicious than someone finding out a glitch that falls entirely on the developers side to fix. So your massive wall of text is pretty much invalidated because you’re not discussing the same type of