In France, where Lily Rose lives, she is not a minor. She can legally have sex, legally get married. US laws have nothing to do with the situation, as she is not in the US.
In France, where Lily Rose lives, she is not a minor. She can legally have sex, legally get married. US laws have nothing to do with the situation, as she is not in the US.
You want to go to Wells (where this was filmed) on market day. It’s heaving.
Are you dead?
Plus the Chinatown reference.
And the two female judges are Egdar Wright and Simon Pegg’s mums.
It’s YARP. With a p.
Very Sweeney.
No it’s not a rural thing. Loads of towns and cities have small shops with these signs. It’s more to do with the size of the shop, type of shop owner (usually family-run stores), and proximity to schools.
Nope, more often seen in towns, near schools. Not a rural thing.
It’s ‘YARP’, goddammit!
In lots of countries other than the US some high schools are called colleges. Just like we get confused by Americans calling university ‘school’.