taking razzles

I am also firmly embedded in an internet hole of Phil Hartman videos and am finding it a much better place than reality today, so thanks for real!

Now you made me sad Phil Hartman is dead. It happens every now and again...

80/90’s teen here - not new, but the asshat shamers have new tools to take their hateful behavior beyond the school hallways and school buses where I felt it and onto the personal screens of victims and everyone they know. I had friends who switched schools and where they worked/shopped because of harassment stemming

I am waiting, but not holding my breath.

I love studying history because it is dark and twisted and frustrating and complex and incredibly disappointing and hopeful and funny and sad. When we accept that our nation’s history is all of those things it is so much more interesting and revelatory than the rah-rah stories so many people prefer.

Good ramble.  

I try not to engage with them too frequently, but these faux-patriots are the same people (ahem, my uncles and male cousins) who tell me I hate America b/c I won’t let them dismiss institutional racism or feminism or anything that threatens their rose-colored glasses regressive narrative - and they usually add that my

He has gotten much bulkier than he was in the ping-pong episode of Community - he played Billy Eichner’s trainer on Difficult People.

Megan Mullaly is so much. so so much. I want her to make a guest appearance on Difficult People b/c if she and Julie Klausner were on the same screen sniping at each other, my funny-lady crush-meter would explode.

Sadly, I am firmly in the Big Red Zone. My friends in Omaha know to vote and I won’t quit nagging - if it does come down to Omaha, you can bet the state GOP is going to try (again) to turn us into a “winner take all” state to win points with the GOP establishment. There is a lot of (misplaced) pride here about the

By the way, as of 11:30 CST, no mention of this on foxnews.com.

Those of us who live in deeeeeep red states had the scattered reps and senators who resisted Trumpism for whatever reason - looking at you, Ben Sasse - but are going to knuckle under/have already bared their throats and are happily participating in the festivities and dog whistling. I had a few hopeful moments that

I agree - and am afraid I will be investing in audiobooks and a subscription to AcornTV so that I can be utterly divorced from mainstream media.

She has released multiple medical records and reports - why should she do anything to give the wing-nuts’ theories any more attention than the media already is?

I am being driven particularly insane this election season with the reminders that the utterly ridiculous ideas about women’s intellectual/physical/emotional fitness for voting/office/citizenship/power that were making the rounds more than 200 years ago are still in play when women run for office. They may be coded in

Forget frozen oj recipes, frozen lemonade concentrate is the perfect summer (non-ice cream) desert: Frozen lemonade pie!!! 1 can lemonade concentrate, 1 tub Cool Whip, 1 can sweetened condensed milk. Mix and pour into 1 graham cracker pie crust, freeze. SO GOOD. SO EASY. Gonna go make one right now (after I go buy all

Very true. I like to think of it as Hulu “Classic.”

Galavant! Commercials ruined this show on the network and Hulu - you need to see multiples in a row with no interruptions to really get how funny and outrageous this show is. There are several episodes that function on multiple levels - snark about pop culture with slapstick buffoonery piled on top.

Right! You know Trump is holding dog fights and has a shark in his bathtub. People are talking about it.

Damn, if it was early days Davis and Crawford, I think Paulson would make an excellent Hedda Hopper - she acted, named named, ruined careers, and had tons of informal power in Hollywood. This is the kind of big, unpleasant character that I think Paulson would knock out of the park after the restrained but amazing