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Which I cannot hear without looking this one up on YouTube!! LOL

I certainly like the Hathaway song. The BEST Christmas singer, hands down, however, is Nat King Cole. Everyone else is just following in his tracks.

Here’s a chart with every game and what they unlock with amiibo. The games I’ve played with legitimate content are Super Smash Bros, Splatoon, Shovel Knight, Mario Amiibo Challenge, and Captain Toad.

Where can I write in Basebally McBaseballface?

Silly me. My husband and I (both hunting and gun-possessing citizens whose weapons were all legally purchased and are securely stored) just watched this and agreed with the vast majority Obama talked about. And I was remarking how I thought Obama did a really good job of reassuring people what these changes DIDN’T

I’d like to throw an honorable mention at Frederick, MD City Councilman Kirby Delauter, who threatened to sue the local newspaper for using his name in the newspaper “without his authorization” when reporting on a city council meeting. Naturally, the paper wrote an editorial chock full of his name.

Because JJ didn’t ruin Star Trek. TOS season 3, ST:TMP, TNG Season 1, TNG Season 2, ST V, Voyager Season 1, Enterprise all “ruined” Star Trek too. That we don’t consider the damage they did to the brand means the brand is fine. Even this third movie will be fine. It’s not your Star Trek but consider this: my parents,

Supposedly the cast and extras only agreed to that shower scene if Verhoeven stripped too. So he did, and directed naked.

I see you’re being sarcastic, but Eid al-Adha Block Party/Community BBQ would be absolute gold and you know it.


You know, every single time someone abbreviates the US Men’s National Team, I read it as the abbreviation of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

So long and thanks for all the fish.

Same here. I enjoyed it thoroughly. Some people just can’t handle change and I think there are many who are just overreacting. I mean dark and too edgy humor? I found it to be quite tame, especially for what’s out there for viewers nowadays.

+1 or -1 star.

Like Emporer Palpatine, Philly loves your hate.

While I can’t argue over the pace of play and overall skill levels of men vs women’s game, there’s less diving (and overall histrionics) in the women’s game.

Wow. He’s so evil, his cat is his mouse.