
Remember the Blues Devil's contract was rather simple. The contract the record company tried to force on Dethklok was thick and so full of legalize that some lawyers probably couldn't understand it. They were trying to trap Dethklok in a no win situation.

Well, he does a few voices on the show- Senator Stampington and Salacia.

LOL! Actually that was a damn good show. Yes, I was there and I'm in my late 50's (and female) Actually, Brendon has done that before- teaching Paul Green's students. A few ago they did it and put on a show at Stantos Party House. Damn good kids, then, too.

Brendon's not asking for money. Just sign the petition, Tweet Hulu and Adult Swim and maybe send guitar pics to Hulu. All info is at Metalocalypsenow.com

Actually, Brendon said in a recent interview that he did intent to end the story in Doomstar Requiem. But someone (Brendon didn't say who) at Adult Swim told him "You don't want to do that." Meaning AS intended to greenlight the finale/season 5. IF he had done that, we would have been happy. But nooooo, Adult Swim

And as to Rupbert Gint, a few years ago he had a film premiering at the Tribecca Film Festival. My young cousin is a big fan of his, so she and her mom drove up to meet me. Unfortunately, they got the news he was going to be there too late, so we weren't able to get tickets. But we stood in line to see him arrive.

Well, it all depends on what con you go to. Some cons set the prices and take a cut of what the actor gets. Some cons let the actor charge what they will, a lot of which goes to a charity of the actor's choice. A lot of Star Trek actors do that. And there are some cons where the actors don't charge anything for an

And what about Metalocalypse?