
TRUMP/Bernie 2016

The timing of the film’s release juxtaposed with the ISIS attack on Brussels just reminded of what a douche, politically-correct, Liberal apologist Big Ben was on “Real Time.” Ugh.

This is how I will react to the death of Gawker at the hands of Hulk Hogan.

Just listen to TRUMP interview FROM JANUARY!

Land of the free!

“....by suggesting that enforced diversity is, in its own way, racist.”

He’s a corrupt Establishment puppet no better than Hillary.

Hilllary Clinton campaign mascot.

Please tell me where you wrote your anti-TRUMP piece so I can avoid it. You are the typical smug Liberal who thinks that others are dumber than he is because they disagree with you. Newsflash: I would wager all the money in my pockets against all the money in yours that TRUMP is far more intelligent than you by at

Every slam you made of Rubio could have (and should have) been made of Obama when he first ran.

Broncos should trade for Brady and Pats should sign Fitz just to prove a point.

And the unemployment rate in California.

This was an ad for the Double Push-up bra.

Too bad that bat flip backfired and gave Canada a brainless Prime Minister who seems hellbent on bankrupting the country.

If you are going to fire your coach and not replace him with the best coach available (you know, a certain former Chicago coach and hard-ass) I can’t take his desire to win as seriously as he pretends.

How is Rousey in movies?

Nice of Bernie Sanders to make a cameo in the trailer.

I have seen the video. She has a great ass, but no where near worth that much.

Damn right!

Where can I get that drug — sounds like it is good for you.