
4 of 30 on 3s for GS sounds like a Kobe stat line.

You must be fun at parties, or at least you would be if anyone ever invited you.

Ah, Europe is trying to seal up its borders against the horde of Islamic migrants flooding in. Too little too late, but TRUMP called it early and right.

Poor coaching.

What a cunt!

About as much effort shown there as Hillary “looking into” providing her Goldman Sachs’ speeches.

That’s why TRUMP is essential — being afraid of what to think or say is no way to live.

Has Hillary been confirmed as a human or just a front to sell access and power?

Every star that such a feeble and forced comment receives says more about the inadequacies of those starring it than any merit to the comment itself.

You are only featuring him in this way because he is white.

I stopped looking at QBR when Wilson ended up with a higher QBR than Brady in a SuperBowl where Brady threw for around 400 yards with 4 touchdowns.

Shame most will not appreciate your reference.

One of the best basketball photos ever.

Hope he wins. The press should focus on wrong-doing in Society and government, not the private medical records of a football player.

It’s funny because it’s true.

“He writes like Byron Scott coaches — I love it!”

Dada in that fight showed a lot of heart ... filled with fried chicken and cheeseburgers.

No more Bushes. No more Clintons.

They still lost .... by a lot.

There’s that unearned smugness that drives people to TRUMP, if only to spite SJW cry-bullies like you. Your tears give me succor.