
“Anything at all is much too harsh”

Hillary is as corrupt as she is incompetent. She would need two vaginas to overcome those long-standing character flaws.

What? No, I’m not crying I’m just chopping up onions.

Twat? Just admit you did not have the balls to say cunt.

Looks like she pulled a Bill Clinton with the lip bite at the end, only in this case it was to prevent a rape not facilitate one.

He is just trying to get the Philippines Muslim-vote with those comments.

Nascar drivers are short and Bosh is a 10 time All-star.

Can everyone on all sides just please bomb Saudi Arabia (You know, the guys that funded 9/11 and that now fund ISIS).


Looks like ISIS opened up a new disco in Aleppo.

“Did they cover his head with a pillow too?”

A public employee who negotiated a sweetheart deal for a very rich man suddenly jumping to the private sector and then scoring a lucrative contract from that same very rich man is about as shady as it gets.

Looks like Senator Harry Reid with a dye-job and also shares his sense of ethics.

“White men can’t dunk”

“Small-timer. I drove my country into 20 TRILLION in debt.”

“Ignore what your eyes show you, Hillary won!”

Deadspin is unaccustomed to the truth.

Is this like Hillary’s participation in the Primaries where the actual results of the event don’t matter to how many delegates are assigned by the DNC?.

No one is more fearful than a Democrat because they are afraid to address issues for fear of being thought politically-incorrect.

LOL no.