
Truth hurts.

Is there a market for cancer?

Or, you know, he could shoot 80% by doing it underhand.

“If they were off-duty cops in Brazil he would have been shot.”

“What genuine principles does Hillary have left, after a public career so light on concrete achievement and so heavy with lies and greed? Yes, she’s been handed job after job, but primarily due to her very unfeminist association with a man. As a senator, she initiated nothing of substance, and as Secretary of State,

Yeah, but Bernie who has never had a job outside government and Hillary who has been corrupt her entire career is not? Fuck you!

Seeing how the three complainants in the Jian Ghomeshi trial are being exposed as inveterate liars and perjurers with their own words, I no longer believe all claims of abuse against “celebs” without healthy skepticism.

You’re still a pea-brained fascist shit-head that can’t win an argument on the merits so you cry to silence those with whom you disagree. Why do you even go out of your safe space? Slink back to it, you garbage person.

I hate bitches like you that want to silence everyone with whom you disagree. Stick your head up your ass if you want to see something gray, you fascist shit-head.

How badly do you have to treat the help in Qatar for Qatar to care?

Gave him a “bit of the scruff.”

And less crazy than Bernie and less corrupt than Hillary.

Less corrupt than Hillary and with a better grasp of real-world economics than Bernie.

When did he start calling himself Izzy?

Dungy is NOT a Hall of Fame coach or father.

Tell that to Hillary Clinton and how she handled her husband’s many rape episodes.

Crony capitalism on the Left (all those green energy companies now bankrupt that the President pushed) or Right (these stadium deals) always ends up screwing taxpayers in the end.

I played SuperFun 21 with Dirk Nowitski at the Palms about a decade ago. Dirk will never go broke as he was maxing out his bets at $20 at a $10-$1000 table and did not tip for his drinks.

Tell me how my ass tastes?

Why do you have to get so salty when confronted by the truth. If you can’t handle, stay in your safe space.