
I don’t know how much deep thinking or unpacking is required here: it’s a thing you must wear—people are going to personalize and/or flex to the extent possible.

Totally. I’m tired of people whining about wearing masks. It’s not that bad, and if we all flipping did it, it would help us get back to “normal” (whatever that’s going to be) much more quickly.

Can we just try to live? If we’re going to be stuck in this hellscape world that has been exacerbated by this pandemic, please let us get a little bit of joy out of choosing a piece of cloth that we are using to protect each other from suffering an excruciatingly painful respiratory disease. Ordering masks off IG from

I’m with you. Whatever it takes—if people need them to look cool to agree to wear them, then by all means, make them look cool! At least they have a mask on, so they’re a zillion times better than the idiots that refuse to wear one.

If having a cool pattern or baby yoda or what the fuck ever means that people will actually wear them, I’m all for it.

Counterpoint: Having masks become fashionable would be a great way to lead people to be safe and protect others while outside using a carrot rather than a stick.

Oh, Stephen. You know that in twelve years they are going to reconcile today’s egregious action by sleeping with a black man in college and using that to justify their wokeness.

And a gagglefuck of morons still think Biden is the same as trump. 

“very good people” don’t bring guns into a state legislature. They don’t threaten the people who are trying to keep them safe from a deadly virus. They don’t scream in lawmakers faces. They don’t value their personal freedoms over the health of others.

Everyone, put on your mask and gloves, lace up your shoes and take a fucking walk. We’ve all been inside for way too long. Slowly close that laptop and get some fresh air to your brain.

The moment when you realize that nobody will remember the years of public service and all the good things you did for people. When you realize that all you will be remembered for is two months of feckless fealty to a fucking moron.

I will give money to any reporter that stands up during one of these and asks him what the fuck he is rambling about.

It only seems successful because TX has one of the lowest testing rates in the country. Statewide, it hovers right around 4%. Their count is low because the counting method is barely being applied.

Ahh so these are the “death panels” that Palin, O’Reilly, Beck, and the other Faux News mouthpieces warned us about. They are just coming 10 years after the fact and have nothing to do with the ACA, but are being presided over by their alt right loyalist followers. 👍

The most amusing part of this is that Texas has had a pretty early and successful lockdown.

As a proud citizen of the great state of Texas, I happily suggest to Dan Patrick that he be sacrificed first on the altar of commerce.

Meanwhile Louise Linton probably spends that much to dye her roots. 

I’ve been tired since November 8, 2016.

Sounds like a message conveyed from His orange, illegal, incompetent, ain’t worth horseshit, stealing, racist, murdering tRump daddy.