yeah I wouldn’t even debate this clown anymore. Fuck Trump and his “proud boys”
yeah I wouldn’t even debate this clown anymore. Fuck Trump and his “proud boys”
If the creature presently occupying the white house is any indication: money can’t buy good taste.
The real story here is that you can buy a house and empty lot in Toledo for $112,000.00. I’m from Toledo so I am surprised if someone is going to be working the Grift angle that they would set their sights so low.
And yeah, I don’t quite get the pool boy thing. I prefer an all around handy man, because you know, a handyman can fix anything.
Say what you will about Barack Obama’s policies, I certainly didn’t care for all of them, but we didn’t have to wait four years to see evidence of his deep empathy, or any other humanizing trait for that matter. It’s kind of one of the main reasons he became president in the first place.
“I have seen his true conscience. I just wish every American could see the deep empathy he showed to families whose loved ones were killed in senseless violence.”
It’s good to have someone who knows the law to dismantle it. The Use of Force laws have to be changed because they make it nearly impossible for prosecutors to charge the police. California’s law was from 18 motherfocking 72; the cowboy days. AB 392 (Stephon’s Clark’s Law) brought California’s Use of Force Standards…
One thing at a time my friend. Right now it’s operation take down Trump. After that’s accomplished focus will shift on to them. It’s like when America teamed up with Russia to take down Hitler. Once they did that they went back to being enemies.
I am 43 and still discovering the ways in which whiteness has stunted my intellectual growth. I couldn’t even begin to explain that to most white people, though. I've tried to write about the wages of whiteness, but even in the most basic sense it's an unspeakable idea. In general I would say that in learning how to…
Twenty bucks says Gavin Newsome was sitting at home saying thank God I dumped her ass
Not in the spotlight or in the news.
The thing I notice whenever these types set their spirits free, it’s always with women, the elderly and people who are clearly non-aggressive. This skinny thumb would never have rolled up like that on a dude in dreads wearing a jersey and thumping hip-hop. Never!
He shot her in the face, why no attempted murder charge?
This moron can’t even pronounced “Yosemite” and he’s out here calling other people dumb?
Ghosting him is the answer. After he loses - media blackout on all orange clowns - do not give him any stage or platform, just ghost the hell out of the punk. Oh that would be delicious and divine.
The less attention we give to that orange piece of garbage, the more likely he will be forgotten and that will make him more batshit insane.
It didn’t take long for the Krusty Krabby Klown to start with the “angry black woman” attacks. *eye roll*
I just want to remind all the clowns in the greys and other “woke” folks the only reason Harris dropped out is she ran out of money. If she didn’t take that bullshit “No PAC” money pledge, you know the one Bernie and Liz said they took and then broke when it was convenient for them, she is the nominee. Watching black…
But according to a 2019 report by the National Low Income Housing Coalition, 49 percent of whites are living in Section 8 housing and 32% are living in public housing.