
Steak, darling! Oh you had that for lunch? Well um no worries. I could run to the store and maybe get the fixins for lasagna? No you’re right. That does sound too heavy for this heat. I don’t know what I was thinking! I’m so sorry. Well I know you’re hungry. Why don’t I whip you up a sandwich and you and the kids can

“Zero” is also a four-letter word. Suspicious!

As much I hate to admit it. She has some points. Feminism has caused women to be unhappy because we’re actively ignoring some of the fundamental differences between men and women. Now before you beer guzzling, gas pumping, plant eating lesbians jump down my throat-hear me out!

The article is misleading.

You know that Lindsay Lohan is doing OK because she returned to having red hair. It’s the barometer of ginger well being.

Probably not a Trump supporter. He has a soft spot for Chihuahuas. Trump building a wall would render Wishbone celibate...

You rang?

I really think they are forgetting that they’re supposed to be making fun of Warren for claiming to be Native American. And now they’re just straight up making fun of Native Americans. Right?

She’s full of shit. They all are. They give not a single fuck about the woman or the baby. Only the birth.

I would bet a fair amount of money on the latter. I would also bet a fair amount of money that if she or her daughter had an unwanted pregnancy, she’d terminate (or help her daughter terminate) without a second thought, because it’s only bad when OTHER people do it.

I’ve asked some former antichoice people this question, and they say it is a combo of both. First, in the fore-front of their minds, they believe this and repeated it. They also really believe they are saving the lives of actual babies. Second, beneath the surface of all that, they know the laws don’t actually protect

He just released a statement, Stassa...

“...truly a loss for those of us who saw the law as something meant to protect women.”

“It’s lonely over here in the pro-life camp,” Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America”

A lot of places won’t strictly due to political pressure. I’ve asked every single gyno I’ve had since being a grown up if they provide abortion...they have all said yes but if they hadn’t I would have found a new doctor. The women’s clinic that I currently get all of my medical care from is affiliated with a teaching

Actually, every OB/Gyn receives training to perform a first trimester surgical abortion. It is a D&C, the same procedure performed for miscarriages which have not passed, among other reasons. We learn it our first year of residency. The difference is that many doctors choose not to do termination of pregnancy D&Cs for

I actually asked my last doctor during the interview process (I have several medical issues and choosing the right doctor is super important) if she performed or could refer me to someone who would perform an abortion if it was necessary. She said she wished she could, but if anyone found out she could be picketed,

After that conversation I learned that they were Catholic affiliated!
And then I never went back to that doctor. I found an unaffiliated OBGYN and switched over and NEVER LOOKED BACK!!!

Am I the only person who wants a Frieda backstory? She had at least two money quotes and has no fucks to give. If shit hits the fan and I need to be a hard old broad, I wanna be like Frieda.