
Considering how litigious people of wealth and privilege tend to be, you can bet your Aunt Fanny that expulsion was warranted.

We’re not trying to offend anyone, it’s just coming from the heart.


When reached for comment, the Capulets answered “How now! who calls?” but hung up right away.

You’re splitting hairs.

Source: me, a former Ivy League college athlete that was recruited by Yale.

No athletic scholarships in the Ivy League, champ.

Yale doesn’t offer athletic scholarships so . . . . ya wrong.

Okay but let me give you an example. I’m a minority (this is relevant).

Escalate escalate escalate. If you’ve talked to the teachers, reach out to the principal AND superintendent to get them to help out. And do it in writing— Email it but also deliver a hard copy letter. Hard copy letters scare the shit out of people.

Here’s what Farai Chideya said at 538's liveblog of Super Tuesday:

Don’t call. Tell your sister to SHOW UP on campus. Demand action. It should be clear to the admin what's going on once they actually speak to your niece.

As a Latina also supporting Hillary: expect nothing but contempt from white commenters here. They know what’s better for us and they are baffled that we dare to think for themselves and have reasons to vote for Hillary. How can we? They know what is better and they don't agree. We must be ignorant!

Because there is a 90+% approval rating for Obama in the black community and Clinton is similar or slightly to the left of him. Whereas Bernie Sanders attacks can seem like a rebuke of him even if Obama isn’t directly addressed.

Well Trayvon Martin’s mother endorsed her because of her voting record on supporting gun regulation, her commitment to uphold Obama’s reforms and move forward on more federal gun regulation, her call for police department reforms, and her demonstrable toughness in the face of Republican opposition for the last couple

I’m black and voting for Hillary. #SorrynotSorry. I don’t find this condescending at all. Why don’t you get in government IS the right answer. I’m so tired of all these whiny people running around complaining all the politicians are in someone’s pocket or are “UNAUTHENTIC” . GO BE A POLITICIAN Then. That’s an

Ah man, we have got some serious facial expressions breaking containment at the end of this thing...

yesterday the pussy posse, today the wolf pack, tomorrow wild hogs 2.

“Leo’s Pussy Posse has rebranded; now called Wolf Pack”

The Illinois Nazi Party is proud to endorse Donald Trump for Fürher.