Trump is absolute proof that many Christians care more about being identified as such and far, far less about actually living out the principles the religion presents.
Trump is absolute proof that many Christians care more about being identified as such and far, far less about actually living out the principles the religion presents.
I get that it’s meant to be sexy or impressive or whatever but ultimately a middle-ish aged man standing in front of a mirror in his underpants and socks, holding his own dick just reads as depressing to me. That is a melancholy moment. Excessive hashtags make this seem sadder.
If She made The Seder...
Sure we could, if we wanted to. The money exists. We burn it up on corporate welfare, a humongous military budget, and tax breaks for billionaires, and that’s a choice we’ve made as a society.
Spade is a derogatory term for a black person. It’s a bit old-timey, so it falls under the radar when people use it sometimes. This person was being a racist dumbshit.
Actually most illegal workers do contribute in taxes, and they claim very little benefits. And yes there should be a easy way to naturalize, but on average and without a big company sponsor or marriage it can take a hundreds of thousands of dollars and 10 yeas for a person to move to US legally.
She can not be reached for comments, due to her purchased organs faluier
“There’s no denying that the *fraudulent campaign* launched by the defendants has put abortion providers at risk.”
This is the face of the GOP. Voting matters. *Get these jerks out of office*.
My reaction was simply: “But, of course, he did.”
you’re right; I don’t know who this “Trumo” fellow is, but he’s got to be better than either of those two
What I really find beautiful about statements like that is the unbridled arrogance of them. You don’t get to decide who goes to hell. God does. Show some goddamn humility to the Big Guy you choose to believe in.
He does have a shit-eating grin
Ted Cruz: Duck Hunt is, at least, phonetically accurate.
I mean considering the number of men I’ve known who thought tampons were clearly being used as little dildos, I wouldn’t put it past them to suggest the applicator be ribbed.
I swear, her photo is listed next to the definition of Dunning-Kruger...
I’m a litigator. Sometimes I’ll do oral argument before the Court and think, “shit, that felt like rambling. I bet I sounded so dumb. I must do better next time.” And then I get the transcript back and I’ve spoken eloquently throughout it. Comparatively, I imagine Palin is like “nailed it” after a speech and then…