
I hope I’m wrong but I’m guessing she receives her fair share of slut shaming from the wives and girlfriends (‘why don’t you cover up then?’ ‘Or maybe don’t dress like a stripper or porn star!’ Etc). I doubt all recipients respond this way but I can imagine many would lash out in embarrassment or hurt or shock (at

I’d be mad if I paid for first class and got moved to coach too.

sex workers can be raped too...

I still believe the hell out of her.

Also: lol

They didn’t shut down the panel because of liability concerns. They shut it down because they don’t want to talk about consent.


Sarah, the only ways the troops aren’t being supported are the ways that actually matter - healthcare, rehabilitation (physically, mentally, emotionally), resources for a successful integration back into society...

She sounds like she’s making a pretty solid argument for veterans to be denied access to guns.

You know, maybe your son is.... I dunno..... an asshole?

I was one of these women. I talked to Beth and Judy last night. It was fairly recent. I was hard to talk about.

Same reason some people stuck with vinyl all through the CD revolution—there’s something warmer about analog.

but how will i find pornographic material now :(

I mean to be honest as a New York Jew I had zero idea that Jews were a minority in this country until college.

Extensions are very very common during the discovery process. In fact, it is rare not to give extensions, because the sheer volume of information and documentation requested is vast.

The judge gave her an extension to the time she has to provide the evidence. This is just the judge telling Duggar and his lawyers to “shut up, you’ll get it when you get it”.

Are you sure that’s not the multi-purpose room at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center?

I believe her.

Conspiracy theories about the Palin family’s spawn is the only interesting thing about them.

To my very untrained eye,” says comparative Photoshop expert and fellow Jezebel staffer Bobby Finger, “It looks like anyone trying to pull actual numbers from that is reeeeally stretching.” Jezebel deputy editor Jia Tolentino and Gawker Media staff artist Sam Woolley, an actual expert, also tried lightening the image