
Wait. At the end, they have the moment where friends see each other across a room and don’t have to say anything to know what the other is thinking—which I think they talked about in the opening scene of the movie. Completing the loop, as it were. Although it’s been a year or so since I saw it.

More fun would be a movie about her pot experience in Colorado last year.

TBH, Gwyneth Paltrow’s being tone culturally tone-deaf isn’t exactly news.

Well, my kids took fencing lessons at a place called "FAP" for years. Seems to fit right in with this.

But, what about Little Boo? He/She was my favorite character, and then, in one quick flashback and some innuendo, got written out.

I hope they get Dolly Parton for some episodes.

I just wanted him to run into Alice Morgan, but, alas, it was not to be. Different shows.

CD's? Fuck, I still haven't figured out what to do with my records. I have no idea how I ended up with three Rocky Horror soundtrack albums, but I still have them, all.

If mosquitoes had a lobby, Republicans would make it illegal to treat malaria.

"But I fought the war for your sort!"

Fucking KDR. They were coke-head assholes in 1980, and now those assholes' sons are coke-head assholes.

Meh. If she got close to someone who actually mattered, we'd—maybe—be reading about her arrest, conviction, and 20-year-sentence for various crimes. Or, we might never hear about her again.

Okay, I cry fake.


I have the Penguin, and I love it.

I have the Penguin, and I love it.

A Hard Babies' Night.

It's tough to find someone with absolutely zero redeemable qualities. Stalin loved his daughter. Hitler liked dogs.

I think this would be a party I would skip.

And, now, THAT is the proper definition of "Ugandan discussions."

I was also 15 in 1978, although I was listening to the Sex Pistols, which my father had given me for Christmas 1977. And New Wave and radio rock. Not disco.