Holes In The Foam

RHCP was cool in their initial lineup with Hillel Slovak at guitar. John Frusciante pre-heroin/near-death was almost as hungry as Hillel. He lost it when he went clean. Sorry to say.

Yeah, really. Takes this little thing called… "getting it".

Oh yeah, must have taken him hours to come up with that one. And a box of scrabble game pieces. Pure genius. :P

Oh yeah, that vital activist cred. Gak…

Fun is the name of another band.

Those were jokes?

Exactly. He basically based his whole opinion on the fact that he didn't like Dookie when we reaching pre-pube stage. For fuck's sake, and he's got authority to speak on this subject? Oh yeah, he's an edgy comedian with an idiotic hipster beard. Silly me.

Some people can raise the bar to require their comedians to reach a bit higher up the tree. Unless of course, you're an idiot. Now go back and put on your Benny Hill videos.

Because it's the easy thing to do. Oh but hey! He was able to make a parody of a RHCP song… he's a genius.

Yeah, sure thing Trollboy.

Dude, just shoot yourself in the head. Right now.

I grew my first beard just before I turned 50.


Funny how the people who tried to dictate true "punk" wanted the true "punks" to live worse off than they themselves did. Funny indeed.

Yeah, such sellouts. Punish a band for being successful AND relevant. Talk about transparent and fake. Back to your playstation now.

Yep, I listen my old GD tracks all the time, I haven't listened to much of the other late 80's/early 90's stuff nearly as much. RHCP, Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, Nirvana, and GD all go down in their own league for that era that stood the test of time.

That's because they WERE products of their time. They were meant to be. But that doesn't mean they're dated.

I'm telling you, the people commenting here that are forgetting it must have been busy getting stoned/masturbating in their basements or just playing their playstations 24/7. The amnesia is deafening.

There was a whole right-wing media/PR machine that went out of their way to shame anyone who spoke against Bush/Cheney, inc. Are you kidding?? By the time 2004 came around, it had reached a fever pitch! Does anyone not remember that Bush got RE-ELECTED in 2004 by another shady "win by a sliver" election?

And many of them would love to get as big Green Day too.