
wait - my name works???

or Saint Lavar

the volcano/hair conditioner killed me

yep - watched weekend it came out, and now reading reacaps jsut to see see waht people thought, etc.

Ninja Kin, so to speak?

Also, cant believe out of everyone who reads the History of Violence articles, we were the only two people to click on the Island tag.

what do I win??

this is what i was coming to say. And as cliche as it is, New York was part of the show. Even the move to LA felt disingenuous and immediately turned off to what was suppose to be the exact same show just somewhere else.

Ready Kingslayer One

i thought the same when they announced…him?

LOL - Porky's = Avatar

I haven't read the recap yet, just wanted to say I wish this has been the Series Finale as planned. Would have been a solid end and ambiguous enough ending. Not sure why they decided at the end to renew.
Season 7 a case of diminishing returns?

how do you know the writers hate Fallon's tonight show?
Also, thats a good call back - McCain cancelling and getting punished - seems like a base for this scene.

not to be a one upper, just that your experience reminded me of one similar:

i was going to watch anyways but this has put some notes in my head to watch for. its appreciated.

This was what I was going to reference. Killing 'is not in the cards' for them - pun intended.

or i guess the settlement is how he funds Saul Law Offices?
Which begs the question - how many more seasons do we have of this show? How much of Saul will they show before meeting up with Walt? Or is the series Finally, when Walt and Jesse walk into his office….

So does Jimmy actually get the money?
Or whats going to happen that screws him out of this too?
Will that be the final straw that pushes him fully into SAUL?
If the one good thing he has done, and money he expected at his lowest time, doesn't come through after he pulled one over on Irene (while not feeling the best

had a similar thought, not that Kim was going to die but that she killed someone else and that ends her career, etc.

that is what my fear was before pulling away to see the rocks, that she had hit someone else and they would be DOA and thats how Kim would be 'over'.
I was fearing the reveal really hoping there wasnt some body or a kid she ran over.