
Oh, Christopher Nolan is not artistically ambitious at all. All of his movies follow the same basic plot beats and usually with either a healthy dose of playing with time (Interstellar, Memento, Tenet, Inception) or perspective (Insomnia, The Dark Knight, The Prestige, Dunkirk) to try and keep the story fresh and

Why do you need to be on social media at all? How many memes can a m’fer consume in a day? Why do you care what your friend ate for breakfast and their thoughts on geopolitics? And if you care that much to know, why not just ask them? What does some half naked thot on social media do for you that a pro thot on p-hub

I, too, have jumped off the Nolan train. I used to really like him and some of his movies are my favorites for how fun they are. However, most of the emotional beats in his movies ring hollow to me except for Interstellar, but that probably has more to do with me being a dad and falling for the dad/kid relationship

Methinks Tom Holland really doesn’t like Hollywood because every project outside of Spiderman that he has been in have been critically reviled and/or money losers. As a result, he’s probably not getting as many non-Marvel offers as he used to and now he all of a sudden is against Hollywood.

Wait, I'm confused. Are boomers not allowed to ogle her because she's only 32 or you think that they would be surprised that she's not younger than 32?

People have been way too conditioned to fear their food. Question the sources of your food. Fine. Question how restaurants who handle large quantities of your food at a time for profit. Fine.

I think this film had a lot going against it, not just Miller. The poor F/X (intentional or not), the DCEU this takes place in being all but dead, the sudden intro and immediate demise of the “true villain” in a matter of 5 minutes, etc. Having said that, Miller was likely also a drag on this movie.

Same here. My parents taped it off of an HBO free preview weekend and it quickly became one of my go to movies as a kid.

Why? Because she's fat and cheery?

Perhaps they were cagey because you’re a physician and you don’t need to be involved in operations. Should those same administrators demand they be a part of your treatment planning for patients?

Honestly, 15 years is not that long of a time. So, I guess I’m confused by the fact that everyone is acting like they don’t know how crap things can be, production/entertainment wise, when writers go on strike. Unless you were born after the year 2000 you should have some inkling of the utter crap Hollywood put out or

You’re right. Sony won with the ps3 when it mattered. At the end of the cycle. All that momentum carried over to the ps4. I'm sure people bought a ps4 having seen the types of games that were only on the ps3 by the end of that generation.

Shutting up and saying the lines is literally what actors do for a living. Some are just better at it than others. A good actor should be able to see a script and then say the line in whatever convincing emotion, inflection, etc. is needed/called for.

I think this whole thing is a non-story. But if you’re so concerned about the writing on a show you signed a contract to be on to the point that you’re saying you had to rewrite scenes to make it better then demand scripts upfront or script approval. If you saw scripts before signing your contract then demand changes

Wasn't that the Pace salsa gimmick?

Don’t bother. Set your YouTubeTV DVR to record it whenever it’s on. It’s running in chunks every day on a couple stations in syndication. In about 6 months you’ll have the whole series recorded for you to watch again. You just have to fast forward through the commercials.

I don’t get why Pete Davidson is famous to the point that he’s talked about and reviled so much at the same time. I feel for the guy. Losing your father at age 7 in a terrorist attack is a horrific thing to experience. But at the same time I have no desire to watch a show revolving around a guy who was engaged to

I remember the garbage that came out of Hollywood during that last writer’s strike. Productions that were already in full swing and too expensive to just pause were being forced to rely on the actors, directors, producers to do on the fly rewrites and they were terrible. Quantum of Solace comes to mind. Daniel Craig

As a gamer I don’t like this because of the potential it has on quality of future releases with the game pass system. But as a Microsoft stockholder I am very happy.

The mods at this place are super touchy. Not one of my posts criticizing people nitpicking to death things in this trailer made it through. If these people have the cajones to dish out criticism over the most minute, inconsequential things in a trailer they should be able to take a little pushback on their criticisms.