
Yes, she was coerced to do this. But she also killed fellow Soviets. So many people were forced, but many others were simply willing to collaborate instead of fighting or resisting. After the war, all eyes of history did not look kindly upon those who helped the Nazis, regardless as to whether they were willing

After the layer upon layer of disillusionment, the news of the weaponized virus and the killing of the Nazi collaborator this were the perfect catalysts for Elizabeth to want to pull the ripcord.

Martha isn't done, I have a feeling. Whether this season or next, the hunters will become the hunted somehow. It is the natural conclusion of the characters, and since this takes place through the prism of actual history, the Cold War is running out of gas at this point. Martha is the only one that can put positive

On the flip, imagine how Phillip the agent is reading the situation and not Phillip the father. Stan has been gone for several nights and returns only when P+E+G have discussed that William is compromised. He walks in and Stan is a beamin'! (see what I did there?) Stan is in an almost irrationally giddy mood. Why

Regarding the mail robot: After Aderholt correctly surmises that Beeman is A.) Full of shit regarding his situation with Nina and B.) the world's WORST counter-intel agent there is a little nugget there. After Beeman goes Captain exposition for all of the world to hear and walks off, you can hear the mail robot pull