
Get back to the fry station, shit bag.

You don’t.

Found the CoD-addicted piece of human garbage who thinks he can outgun the most powerful military in the history of ever.

Ruh Roh, looks like someone is already sweating from the finger coming down on assholes like him. Like someone else said, let the fucking bodies cool.

Sorry, a lot of that was drunk trash talk. That said, I do think he is the most over rated quarterback in the NFL. Probably jinxed the hell out of the Chiefs for tonight,though : (

Or...I don’t know, maybe it’s time for you to admit that Philip Rivers is shit. You’re not as good as the Kansas City Chiefs. Make your Californian peace with it.

We Chiefs fans did the exact same thing to them last week.

I’d like to point out that these “ticket-purchasers who can’t get happiness” are going to go back to their jobs on Monday....where they will play a part in fucking over minorities, working people and the environment, so that we can give money and tax breaks to America’s most morally unworthy people.

Man, what the fuck? Why is it that when I go to check on a comment of mine, Kinja makes me dig for it?!? Have they ever SEEN a Drew Magary comment section?

You forgot “Fucks his first cousin in the ass”

That’s because he knows that specifics will expose him.

At this point, I feel that Trump’s base is criminally culpable and that there needs to be some sort of discipline for them when this is over.

And its bad for the country. To demand status quo in today’s world is irresponsible and dangerous.

He’s right. If a Trumpster insists on engaging you, just hit them in their large abdomen and walk away.

They ignore Snopes now. Its debunked too many of their favorite myths.

“Loving college football even more these days”

Sorry about the troll. But you know what? Yes, it is annoying that this place all but calls for boycotting the NFL but continues to support Vince McMahon, a bigger pile of human garbage that Roger Goodell could ever attempt to be.

.....And your employment status was the same then as it is now. Odd, that.

You’re a soccer fan. All credibility is lost.
