
It isn’t and I don’t.

Because we are in BAD times and we need every ounce of concentration and energy that we can get.

Because we are in BAD times and we need every ounce of concentration and energy that we can get.

Because we are in BAD times and we need every ounce of concentration and energy that we can get.

Speaking of ash heaps, I hope that your trailer burns to the ground with your family inside of it. Nothing personal; it’s just that the world would be a better place without them.

Maybe they should choose which they should care about MORE right now.

Thank you for focusing on this very important issue. I can’t think of anything more that progressives could be fighting for right now than resisting the superficial beauty standards of Hollywood. I mean, it’s not like the VRA is being dismantled right now or anything!

You don’t explain to me why it’s dumb, I’m just supposed to take your word for it. You do know that you’re a worthless piece of shit, right?

That’s because neither they nor Deadspin seem to realize that all that their anti-football jihad is going to do is piss off a lot of people who would be otherwise inclined to support them.

Look everyone! Internet Lies!

You live in a world of violence. Deal with it.

And you should get back to mopping the Wal-Mart floor.

Let’s not act like the Pack is any better.

Because it was an illegal hit. It was unnecessary.

Lakala: Biggest alpha working the graveyard shift at Arby’s.

People like you are why we’re going to lose the next war.

Every word in this post is right.

This wasn’t a typical hit that happens every game. This was a blatantly illegal hit that just now happened for the first time this season. No one is celebrating it; everyone is vilifying it. If you want to talk about the wear and tear that causes CTE, then we have a conversation. But this is a little uncalled for.

It’s..it’s almost asif they deliberately hire these women to be a visceral distraction!

 Agreed. The government needs to make them spread out. No, I’m not being sarcastic.