
“Which my property taxes pay for”

Prove what you said. You claim you have money, but you have no grammar and you’re a fucking idiot. You’re obviously a Lotto Republican who uses the Magic of the Internet to pretend.

According to my fantasy stats, pretty damn far.

You are not as good as Steve Gostkowski.

Is it a coincidence that the Tide mascot is the same animal as the GOP mascot? Probably not.

Careful when going on these “fact finding amongst the people” articles, guys. In some states, assaulting hipsters is now legal.

Sure if you fucking abuse them, but not if you do it lightly, RARELY, and purely for disciplinary purposes. And even then, make sure that for every memory they have of you spanking them, they have ten more positive ones. You’d be surprised when 18 years later, they say “Yeah, and I deserved it”

I could respond with a list of “not exactly democratic things” that we already do, but you and I both know that we’d be here all day.

1. Given that “better outcomes” is really, really subjective....how would you even start to measure that?

It’s high fucking time for mandatory voting. There, I said it.

Um, you work at McDonald’s.

Then don’t come on here pretending like you’re trying to help fix the problem.

“elite and snobby”

Most major “cities in Texas” have been run by Democrats for 40 years.

After all, you worked hard for it. Why, you still have the grease.on your hands.

Hey, there’s a magic trick towards dealing with unruly kids that doesn’t involve bargaining or trickery! Here’s how it goes:

I know, right? It’s almost like LAWS should be passed FORCING Hollywood to equal pay!

Um, of course he will. LOOK AT HIM!


Look, I don’t give two shits if a message is allegedly hollow or not..if it tells Trump to eat shit, it’s good in my book.