
No. These people are dogshit.

Look at these people in the videos. They obviously don’t understand shit about shit.

Keep in mind that for your typical Trumper, it was either those tickets or making a car payment.

People say that the NFL’s ratings are declining, but forget that saying that is like saying that the Apollo capsule isn’t as high off the ground when entering orbit as it was in space. Guess what: It’s still really fucking high.

This is why I give them nothing but insults.

Yes. And tentacle porn.

Another pop psychological cop-out from someone who doesn’t know what it means. This is why you are doomed to a life with a name tag on, lower life form.

You admitted that you watch Adam Sandler movies. That disqualifies everything you say.

I wish I could be there when you graduate from H.S. in two years and they tell your CoD-playing ass that you’re too fucking fat to join up.

We’re heading down the road of Japan.

Why are you on your flip phone and not serving Big Mac to your superiors in life, you genetic tragedy? Chop chop!!

Also, a lot of sociopathic pricks joined up specifically because they knew they’d be hero-worshipped.

The world would be a better place if Mike Wekarski was dead.

Just as you are not capable of always maintaining confidence at your employment.

Just like you’re a professional burger-flipper?

You are worthless white trash. Eifert has prime physical skills. His tutor has prime academic skills. You have....nothing.

The more that conservafucks and Republicans use 9/11 for cynical, political purposes, the more I am convinced that the George W. Bush Administration knew of it in advance, and allowed it to occur for political gain.

It sure is fun to pretend that you’re well-off on this magical world of the Internet, where no one knows who you are! Except.....golfing is a shit example of that. Assistant managers at McD’s golf. Street kids golf. The fact that you look at golf like a rich man’s deal in this day and age.....reveals what a

“lol”—the most advanced thing that a Pennsyltucky sisterfucker can say.

The most realistic scenario for that is this: The military remembers their oath to the Constitution and puts the ICE agents in jail or, if worse comes to worse, the grave. Afterwards, the new President—Dem or Repub—abrogates the agency and grants its responsibility and funds to someone else.