
Prove it.

Man, I would hope that my Trump-hating credentials are strong here, but I can’t see this happening. Not that he wouldn’t try, but Homeland Security wouldn’t cooperate. I’d be more concerned about a major terrorist attack “slipping through the cracks”

Broncos fans are really, really fucking stupid

......And an immigrant.

Some people will defend Penn State.

The fact that Penn State is in this position is proof positive that the NCAA did NOTHING to punish them.

He was clever, you worthless piece of shit.

Part of me wants to watch him stay in office for four years and deliver EVERYTHING to the Dems, but Christ Jesus, it’s legitimately getting to the point where he is going to KILL this nation if someone doesn’t step in.

I know this much: If I were an owner, I would strongly encourage every owner to listen to him....every owner but me.

“I’m not giving any more money to the NFL! Or I would if I had money! And I’m not going to jerk off to that racist Jamele Hill either!”

A couple have, actually.

Popular with people who can’t fully afford the fucking product anyhow.

What the fuck are we supposed to do about it until 2018?

We can fix it.

Agreed. I’ve been here for over a year.

Hey Russ....care to ask Jesus why you’re going down in flames in fantasy?

And 25 years later, you have yet to graduate.

True this.

It’s cool. Sorry for jumping to conclusions on my part.

.....Or someone who interpreted something that may not have been there, but may have been there without you realizing it.