
“However, I’m in my mid-thirties, no longer own a home, and my retirement savings are pretty much nil”

This from someone who fills Big Gulps for a living.

If she was smart, she’d say the following thing: “Oh that stuff? My bosses at Fox made me say it. They make us all say it.”

Republicans: Just give it up. I’m not mocking you, I’m being serious here. If your constituents have any reason at all, they’ll see that you TRIED to fulfill your odious campaign promise. Good God, you tried.

I’d like to throw a bowling ball at him, personally.

“Been doing that since 1996.”

A Cubs fan pretending to be a Brewers fan?

You worthless white trash and your tendency to forget what lower life forms you are....:)

You can always tell who either does this shit in real life or wants to do it. They try to shout down social punishment because they’re afraid of it happening to them.

Look, anyone who might fuck over Goodell is ok in my book.

Also, if I go to Cuba, America will actually miss me. You see, I actually pay income tax. You don’t. You just work as a journeyman welder or some shit like that, living in a three-room house with screen wire windows. You won’t even be able to pay for your own funeral.

I should go to Cuba. Your mom should have gone to the abortion clinic.

Q: What Did Kyle Grease’s mother do after giving birth to him?

This is why people should not pull over for fire trucks and ambulances when they are on their way to a conservative Republican’s house.

This is a good start, but not enough. America won’t demand reform until this horrible shit is on CNN and their local news. Gawker Media is fighting a good fight, but it doesn’t reach enough people.

Hey, defenders of this shit: If they’re “just kids”....then it’s time to start treating them like it. No more driver’s licenses until age 18.

Taters needs to go bungee jumping with the cord accidentally tied to his neck.

If teenagers don’t have the mental wherewithal to not know right from wrong, then maybe we shouldn’t be giving them the ridiculous amounts of freedom that we do.

Yes, they have the “promise” to use their race and nepotism to get into cushy positions in corporations, where they will make stupid decisions that will cost millions in dollars and jobs.

Anyone who loved Taters, ever, was wrong.