
Yes. He is projecting.

Just like your lack of gainful employment is a you problem?

Send this video to every college they ever apply for. Problem solved.

What part of “I was defending California” is so fucking difficult to understand?!?!

Sigh. Was defending California.

I was defending California, you dumb shit.

Yawn. Guess state’s rights are only A Thing for states who take more from the public trough than they put in.

This site needs some comedy—like a video of NotRickJohnsonsBurner’s family getting evicted from their home.

Yes, there was a lot of defection. Because no one took the idiot seriously. Needless to say, that has changed. But you keep thinking that things are just like they were in November. After all, it’s that kind of hoping against reality that keeps the gun out of your mouth.

You know that none of this changes the fact that you’re worthless white trash, right?

An article written by Chris Cillizza, the biggest fucking joke in the MSM. Nice try.

Hey, you know your smug claims about doing pretty well?

You just keep reliving the biggest fluke in American history, son . I pity your fatass wife on that night in 2018 when everything you are willfully ignoring hits you right in your fucking jaw. Yeah, the Senate math is bad, but the House is almost certainly going Dem, and the rest follows in 2020. Your assumptions

You do know that Rasmussen is INFAMOUS in the polling world for being biased and slanted to the point of untrustworthiness, right?

No, it’s not. We see you, dumbass. You are poor white trash. Admit it.

Rasmussen is untrustworthy. Anyhow, isn’t it time for you to be flipping burgers?

You should probably look at some more recent forecasts, champ.

Oh, and hey, thanks for nakedly admitting that SCOTUS is on your side! That means that you’ll be understanding in 2021 when we either pack the Court, or remove certain Justices!

I’ll take “Republicans are going to lose half of those things next year” for 500, Alex.

That doesn’t disprove anything. I never said independents weren’t a majority. Try again.