
“Waaaahhh!! We don’t like antifa because they have the balls to fight back against us!”

“Waaaahhh!! We don’t like antifa because they have the balls to fight back against us!”

Hey look, everyone: Internet Lies!

Also: 35 percent is YOUR group, not the independents. All the evidence suggests that. But you’ll ignore or deny that, because you want to be a winner.

Huh. So that’s why all the Republican retirements have been occurring! Because they’re that confident, not because they’re running for the hills! And I guess I should just ignore the forecasts of EVERYONE, who all say “monster blue wave”. Because you’re one of those fuckfaces that think that if you say something,

Boy, for a gainfully employed person, you sure do answer posts lightning-quick.

Asshole. We see you at the rallies. We see you on Facebook. We know what fucking worthless white trash you are. Quit trying to hide it. You will never be my equal. You will die in your trailer park.

Just because you want it to be true doesn’t make it so.

You should have ended up as a splotch on an abortion doctor’s table.

Which is why they’ll disappear after the apocolyptic asskicking that’s.coming in 2018.

Shhhh! That’s logic! They don’t like that!

To recap your post: “Not all Southerners are lazy, that’s stereotyping! But...all left-wing people are lazy.”

15,000 a year is most decidedly not doing just fine. Quit fucking lying.

Yup. Flipping burgers.

“Reread you first line”

“jobs”—yeah, at Wal-Mart. Asshole, we see these pictures and we see you people on Facebook. Quit trying to fucking lie, we know who you are.

Shut the fuck up and go get my fries, trasho.

Piece of shit: You are one.

Oh my God. Every last one of them are white fucking trash. And I don’t mean the Juggalos

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