
“Beats and Brady will sell to people who have made the Ford F-150 America’s best selling vehicle”

Aww, someone’s jealous that the only lingo they get to use at work is “Those shirts go on layaway” and “put the Wal-Mart brand chips up front, moron”

So? This isn’t sports, champ.

Not sure why Joe took the time to let us know that he was a spoiled brat.

Um. They do know that there are 500 wrestling fans outside of Japan who have the financial capital to go on this thing, right?

Um, you’re a Wal-Mart employee. Abused dogs feel sorry for you.

I thought he was attacking Bobby. I was wrong. I’ve already apologized.

Anyone who ever loved you was wrong.

I’m legit sorry here. I thought he was insulting Bobby.

Uh, everyone here already knows that I don’t pull punches. I thought he was insulting the dead person. I’ve already apologized.

Now THIS I get.

Oops. Uh...mea Culpa? I thought you were insulting Heenan.

“Ordinary fucking people”

This was to be expected, as the Chiefs are superior to the Eagles.

“Funny, but we won’t have anything to say about this”

Steve King’s constituents like to assfuck pigs. I’m Iowan, this is true.

If the “their brains are underdeveloped” horseshit IS true.....then we need to SERIOUSLY reconsider letting them drive at age 16.

If teenagers are too undeveloped to understand the consequences of such vile actions, then they REALLY don’t need to be driving.

That’s a good one too. And thanks!

Look. We are overlooking what is important here; namely, that I would have anal sex with either woman.