
Is this the one where we decide to go to war with North Korea? Or the one where we decide that the media will keep talking about Game of Thrones?

Hey, Worldwide Leader....why is “the anti Jamele Hill complainers are journeymen welders and Wal-Mart employees with NO FUCKING MONEY” such a hard fucking concept to grasp? If this is who you appease, get ready to reamed out by Mazda and American Express when they notice that no one’s buying from their ads on your

Look away, “They took are jerbs” Trump supporters. This article isn’t for the likes of you.

Look away, “They took are jerbs” Trump supporters. This article isn’t for the likes of you.

Baloot’s family = Shit.

Anyone who ever loved you was wrong.

......That’s because HE IS ONE.

Ah, ok.

All they know about fascists is that they were told growing up that fascists are bad. Which means that it’s going to be painful for them to one day realize that they ARE one.

Wouldn’t that be your brother?

What I’ve learned from all of these “Sent from my iPhone” letters is this: We need to up the prices of iPhones again. Keep them out of the hands of worthless white trash like this.

Is it appropriate that I read that while taking a shit?


Dude. Remember that in Trump’s America, this shit might be seriously said.

I like how your subname is an admission that you got banned before. It’ll happen again, and nothing you can do will stop it. You ain’t hard.

Eat shit, lower life form. When you respond, all I see and hear is “oink oink oink!”

Yep. I learned that if some people draw an inside straight once in their lives, they honestly think that it will happen every time they step up to the table from there on out. Even though, in reality, they’re never going to hit it again.

Question: If someone said that a pair of dice would be rolled a 5, and it rolled that 5 every time since 1948...and then one day rolled a 6.... would you think that it would keep rolling 6s from here on out? Or would you think that the last roll was a lucky fluke?

Just remember that those peasants would be Trump voters today. So it’s ok to hurt them. And no, I’m not being sarcastic either.

Then leave. Your worthless white trash ass can’t afford what they advertise anyhow. Also, looking forward to 2018 are we? Looks like someone hasn’t read the forecasts that EVERYONE is putting out for those midterms.....

“1.5 million people were without power in Georgia this week”