
Which is why you did and you won’t.

And here we go with the next stage: The lies.

“I think 2016"

You really are exactly who the gentleman above us describes. We see you on FB with your natty beards, your repulsive, fat wives, your wife beaters, your “Self-employed” status—no one’s fooled, Cletus. We see you at the Trump rallies. We saw the people fired as a result of Charlottesville, and the jobs they lost. We

They won’t after 2018.

That’s nice that you think so. Now shut the fuck up and make me my fries.

You really don’t know how jaw-droppingly LUCKY that win was, do you? Continue to delude yourself, just like you delude yourself that you’ll ever make 30,000 dollars a year, worthless white trash.

Unfortunately, I’m not holding my breath for that to happen, until the police start being held accountable again.

Yup, confirmed. You’re not old, you just like to think you are.

Joel Stave is wet shit.

......If you actually call yourself an old, you’re not one.

It’s more accurate to say that they like to dish it out but not take it. They’re scared shitless of Dems actually fighting back, and they are starting to realize that the younger generations of Dems, unlike the boomers, actually will.


What’s a golazo? Serious question.

Your family is worth less than shit.

I like how this guy just made it clear that he’s a Wal-Mart employee.

The upper classes did that, Boomers, Gen X, and Millennials combined.

Stillman: “I, and only I, can tell you what Gen Z wants!”

.......This....this generation is going to be even more worthless than the Millennials, is it?

I hope your trailer burns down with your children inside.