
Am I the only one whose viewing pleasure was ruined when I read “Russian billionaire”?

That’s gonna be an awfully big database.

When we eventually do take power back, it might be time to “pressure” a couple of Justices into stepping down.

In other words, the Supreme Court can no longer be trusted.

What happaned with the Texas redistricting?

Because that worked in Vietnam and Iraq, did it?

What’s the matter, Bernie....was the coming signs of a blue wave in 2018 too big for you?

You know the people who told you that you were clever and had great insight?

This is why after we take power back, we need to clarify, in public, if propaganda is covered by the 1st Amendment.

Just to be a nationalist dick, I feel that I should point out that the 14th richest person in the US is worth 31.4 billion.

“A bigger, richer city than Toronto”

Damn, Terrell. It’s almost as if being an insufferable cockbite has consequences down the road.

And of course, the greatest QB of his generation IS STILL PLAYING.

I like Bob Ley more now.

I support fair compensation for everyone but the Raiders and Broncos bloggers.


Yup. Until teams start getting punished for it.

You mean the phones that people his age INVENTED?

You need to flatout tell him: “You are worthless white trash. You will die worthless white trash.”

To be fair, they were fucking their cousins.