
3 House GOP retirements and counting. Bob Corker is considering retirement from the Senate.

What you are is a worthless piece of shit.

I’ve had it. This needs to be said.

No, I’m talking about US starting a war with HIM after Trump is gone.

The economists who champion it know it doesn’t work except for the rich.

In Alberta.

The more and more info that comes out, the more and more that I’m convinced that war with Russia in 10 years is imminent.

Is that Hodor?

Better my fantasy victim world than your fantasy world where you don’t work in a Dairy Queen.

They work in the cities!....at a car wash.


Thanks for letting us know that you’re a piece of shit!

I think you’re thinking of the pig-farming peasant who lived down the road from Kant.

“I don’t have to”

Uh, right-wing assholes?

Anyone else notice that EVERY TIME these people show up on the news, they’re the type of white trash losers that you couldn’t make up for a parody if you tried?

Fuck rotting in jail. They need to be KILLED.

....They do realize that racist white trash have no money for their advertisers, right?

Your family is worth less than dogshit.

No, that’s a Jalopnik comment section.