
But that balance should he someone who actually can contribute, not someone who should have been a bloody splotch on an abortion doctor’s table, like you and most of your relatives should have.

Why do worthless piles of shit try—and—fail on Kinja to be clever when they should be looking for jobs? Eat shit, trash.

And the GOP used to be relatively anti-racist too. Shit changes.

Tru fax.

“Hasn’t won an election in 11 months”

We need some humor to counterbalance this video.

Why aren’t you stumping for 15 dollars an hour? You work at McDonald’s. You’ll always work at McDonald’s.

What about your family, which commits welfare fraud and deals/smokes meth?

Why did your mother think it was ok to not abort you? Because it wasn’t.

We are more now.

Thos coyotes have more of a future than you or your family do.

And we get to the psychological heart of why Trump voters like you are so willing to believe in your own version of the news: Because it’s what you fuckers do in your daily lives. You think that if you tell yourself that everything is going to be all right in your daily lives, it will.

Listen. I know that you don’t like reality, but here it is anyhow: Are you smiling over this decision? Because I’ll tell you who isn’t smiling: The people who run the American economy. They already said that if DACA was repealed, they “may need to get rough” with Mango Mussolini. Congrats, you are celebrating HUNDREDS

No, I think it means that I accidentally signed off and forgot my key. Not that anyone gives a shit. And there you go using that word disagree. That word implies that your viewpoint is morally and logically valid. It ain’t.

You know all about horrible decisions: Your mother made one by not taking a wire hanger to you.

I hope box-shaped heart’s trailer burns to the ground.

This is box-shaped heart admitting that he works a lower wage job. Which isn’t surprising, considering that, you know, he’s a moron and a loser.

These people delusionally think that they’re a majority. They don’t understand—deliberately refuse to understand—that A: A dozen factors went into 2016 of which they are the least, and B: 2016 was a fucking fluke that is never going to happen again.

CEOs are PISSED. This just put 1 billion dollars into Democratic coffers.

Welcome to the Battle of the Horns of Hattin, white trash.