
So tell me, what day is going to make you cry more, Nazi? Nov 2018, when the Dems take both houses of Congress, or a couple months later, when your Leader is put in a police van?

There you go again, claiming the accomplishments of better white people than you.

Hey Evan?

Admitted Chiefs fan here, but you can definitely tell how these things taper off in general. I can guarantee that no Browns fan is sympathetic for a fanbase whose team goes 12-4, then loses in a playoff situation that they may never see their team in again.


Did “Jake” seriously write in—with graphics—over a fucking preseason game? Good thing he’s not a Raiders fan; they’re 0-3 this preseason, and rightly don’t care.

“Only 32% of your annual income? Amateurs. Try going into debt for tickets”

Who wants to bet that Cameron has 12 DUIs and is really fucking fat?

Did we do two in a day?

“Okay”—SWAT Team, which instantly guns down Neo-Nazis. Those who survive get to watch the assault weapons ban get out back into place.

But you SHOULDN’T feel pride in your alleged heritage. You’re worthless white trash. Whenever a white person has accomplished something, it wasn’t white people like you who did it. White people like you were busy sweeping that guy’s floor or cleaning the shit out of their stables.

We need some comedy to lighten the mood here. Like a video of Flesh Croissant’s family getting in a serious car accident.

There’s nothing about being worthless white trash that makes you American either. You were born here, but you shouldn’t have been.

For the thousandth time...some states obviously do need the guiding hand of the federal government.

Cool deal

If you’re reading this, Chris White....know that your mother should have had an abortion.

If you catch one of these people in the act, Houston? Shoot them. End of story. Anyone who would do something so horrible has abused the gift of life and does not deserve it.

Boy, you sure do have an inflated self-opinion for a gap-toothed, shit-breathed, lice-ridden Wal-Mart employee. You are a failure and will always be. And it’s not because of AA or minorities or liberals, it’s because you don’t have the intelligence and you don’t have the talent. You and your family are worth LESS than

Why are you trying to act intellectually superior? Shit has more of a future than you!

Let’s just admit it.