
It’s not entitlement to want what you paid for, you worthless piece of shit. Your mother should have had an abortion.

What I don’t get is how they call people they hate “cucks”. I mean, maybe some cuckolds sigh and whine about their SO is fucking a manlier man, but more often than not, what they do is hurt or even kill the prick.

I bet you anything that these two post on Kinja in the greys about reverse discrimination all the time.

That’s why they hate you. Because they KNOW you are their superior.

I love it when their scandal reveals that every go-to insult about them is true.

No, they are too.

Sarcasm doesn’t work when you’re white trash.

Your anecdote is further proof that these are worthless peasants who bring America down.

Their parents should be publically whipped for the way they raised them.

What we need to do is investigate the Koch’s for criminal dealings, and then when we inevitably find it, jail them and take their billions as profits of crime.

There’s a conspiracy theory that more or less goes that they’re just pretending to oppose the GOP.

Collegiate liberals, collegiate Objectivists, and collegiate libertarians all share one common thread: Whenever they open their mouths, they remind us all why we had the voting age at 21.

Did this fucking website get bought by a Republican? I’m starting to wonder.

Well, there’s a very good argument that under 45ers aren’t either.

If you’re under 40,you are not middle aged.

To me, it’s a two-way street in a restaurant. Customers? You are expected to tip. Do so. And be generous. If you receive good service, recongize it. Servers? You are not entitled to a good tip. Earn it.

Um. The waiter at a restaurant didn’t do jack and shit to make your four-cheese Mac good either. Conversely, of course, they should never be blamed for the fuckups of the cooks.


“what a colossal hassle”