So much bullshit to unpack in your response, but let’s go point by point:
So much bullshit to unpack in your response, but let’s go point by point:
Start shit, get hit.
Tale as old as time
“Let me fuck with these Black folks for no reason .”
Ahh, I see that Becky With the Busted Lip was unaware of the “Talk Shit, Get Hit” clause in subsection A, Paragraph 3 of The Wypipo’s Guide to Not Getting Your Ass Whooped, in which it clearly explained that “talking shit” does indeed include the snatching of things, which includes both edges and protest signs.
Cash-strapped social studies teachers across America have discovered an exciting new resource that provides lesson…
Don’t forget to add onto your consolation prizes “All Lives Matter” and “But the Irish were slaves too, and you don’t hear US complaining”
For starters, saying Black Lives Matter is NOT disrespectful to other lives or even to HONEST police officers. It is not saying that Black Lives Matter MORE than other lives, but…
I struggle with this issue. I was raised in a racist environment. I recognize that I benefit from white privilege and I work to overcome the prejudices instilled in my formative years. Reading articles like this helps me to understand and lifts the veil. Keep writing and hopefully you will open the eyes of others like…
A runner up might be the people who claim that virtually any response to the accusation of racism only proves they’re racist. It’s a slick technique to pre-emptively control the debate. And kinda predictable for it’s lack of originality. But it sells in the halls of echo.
And another consolation prize for “race is just a social construct anyway. It doesn’t really exist.” It’s not usually their first go-to, but it creeps in later in the argument.
ROFL, OMG! I’m white. While arguing against Trump and the RFR (Republican Fourth Reich) BEFORE the election, I asked Trumpsters WHICH of the 5 tenets of the GOP (racism, bigotry, homophobia, misogyny, or xenophobia) was the prejudice they preferred. They’d claim it wasn’t ANY of those but couldn’t/wouldn’t offer…
Notice the weird specificity of saying there’s no racism in one’s heart or bones. It’s like saying “I haven’t got a knife in my left pocket.” It suggests one should inspect very closely the person’s liver, kidneys, stomach, pancreas, lungs, intestines, veins, arteries, muscles, etc. because that’s where they may be…
“The problem with the inner city...”
Consolation prizes to:
Because the trophy for Oppression Olympics is usually death.
I think people who have only one part of their identity holding them back often go hard in the paint regarding their issue, but often fail to understand intersectionality.
Listen! That, too.
I saw it after Korryn Gaines death. Black men went white so quickly, it was scary. They were talking about how bad our attitude is, if they were in the same situation they would have shot her too. All of a sudden they believe the police’s version of the story, which we never in other cases, because it’s been proven…