I'll say the same thing to her that I say every time Bob Seger comes on the radio, “Why are you yelling at me? What have I done?!”
No I’ve also kind of hoped to get one. I’d dry it out and keep it in my jewelry box like my mom did when the last bit of my umbilical cord fell off.
Haha what? No! She sounds like a champ though. Scab eating taken to the max!
Uterine cast, yay! How lucky of you!
I thought Devon Sawa was dead? Didn't he get arrested for buying drugs and then died shortly after? Who am I thinking of?
Yes, such a great movie! On topic: every time I see Mark Driscoll's face I'm like can u not? Just stop trying and fade away into obscurity please.
Honestly, I just can't with Will Arnett. He's so one-note, I won't even give Flaked a pity watch.