In upstate NY, I received an excellent public school education.
In upstate NY, I received an excellent public school education.
As a veteran, I agree. Do not join.
Wars with either is silly. Economically disastrous and the casualties would be immense. There is no upside to either scenario. We should keep out of their business, though.
Who cares?
A total lack of discretion and maturity. Spec Ops, bullshit. Seriously, what the fuck is the Navy doing? can’t they get these guys to shut the fuck up, stop writing books, stop violating opsec, classified procedures and information, etc...
It seems like many Trump supporters are grasping for anything to support their shit decisions, or at least validate them or vindicate themselves. Such as getting hit by an egg, put on a fancy dress.
Clearly a rhetorical question.
He can try, but he will not dismantle the media in the US. People will stand up to him soon enough. He just needs to keep talking, sounding like the idiot he is.
For the win!
Aside from the absurdity that she shot a boy for no good reason, a $12,500 bond? Seriously?
This is what happens when you do not allow Southern Gentlemen duel.
Yeah, I voted for Teachout.
I agree, the DNC sunk Sanders, with malice. He should have been the candidate. Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Donna Brazile are fucking assholes.
I grew up trapping. I am not a fan, never was to be honest. I have my personal beliefs around what is ethically acceptable and what is not, in terms of techniques and certain species. In general, I see nothing wrong with wearing fur if harvested in a manner consistent with a custom or code. Fur farms are fucking evil.…
I not a lawyer.