Hola Yeah Yeah

My guess is that she had a stash and at one point decided not to find more. Kind of like a form of suicide? In that case, they just need to get her clear enough to want to find more.

Something that is both great and awful about the show is that they are able to use the idiot ball whenever they want to drive the plot forward because Tandy really is an idiot. I feel like the first question out of the everyone else's mouth (including Melissa if she gains some lucidity) will be "Why didn't you look

The whole show makes a hell of a lot more sense when you realize the world building doesn't resemble the finance world at all, but it does resemble the entertainment industry.

My gut feeling is that Jorge Castillo (Laurel's father) has been watching all of them the entire time. From his POV, he is cleaning up the mess that his daughter got mixed up with. I think Laurel falling in love with Wes and racism came together in a toxic mix that ultimately resulted in Jorge deciding to blame Wes

I feel like Anthony Hopkins is one of those people who insists you call him Tony and tries extra hard to make sure you don't freak out from how scary he is when he's acting. I feel like Ed Harris doesn't need to ask people to refer to him as Mr. Harris, but people just like instinctively do and he is cool with that.

Elia Kazan is one of the directors who sold people out by testifying and pointing fingers during the Hollywood Blacklist/Red Scare days. He basically accused people didn't like of being a communist and ruined their lives, benefited financially personally from it.

I said this upthread, but I think we are going to get some amazing Mazey Poppins scenes with Maze and Trixie.

I think they will do good things with the fact that Maze is ultimately discovering that she is more of a protector, than a torturer (but she likes that too). Also, given Chloe's luck and the kid's temperament, maybe it isn't the worst idea if Trixie's babysitter was literally a well-meaning hell demon?

I think that might be the nominal explanation, but if that was the case Ford would not have freaked out like that. I think it is an intentional social engineering thing to keep the employees from thinking of the hosts as anything other than livestock.

Something I think would be very interesting is if robot employees of different Delos Destinations resorts all think they are married/related to each other.

I often say that I think Ryan Murphy shows are best when he is forced to be economical. I think he should be held to the same restrictions as Charlie Booker (Black Mirror) where nothing is off limits, but he only has a maximum of 6 hours TRT for the entire series.

Even though Elias dying is supposed to be proof he was alive, I still am Team "Elias is a ghost but he was relatively sane when he died and that was within the last 10 years."

I think the fundamental difference is that Mom created half of everything, instead of being the manifestation of destruction. I think it would be so much more interesting if the show goes the direction of They made everything together, then Dad made humanity himself. I think Mom might view humanity in the same way a

My head cannon is Mom's POV is essentially her husband combed through all of their creation for chemical reactions that would ultimately result in monkeys that physically resemble their children, except weak and frail and totally under his control. My guess is that her end game is wanting to going back to how it was

I'm hoping that is the twist. He never had DID, the fractured personality was actually symptoms of a transmogrification process. Basically, I think this is a werewolf origin story hiding inside a "kidnapped pretty girl" movie.

I'm putting bets on the idea that at some point the story shifts to the crew filming on location and weird shit going down there.

I love the Preacher comics, but I don't think this is such a radical departure in terms of Jesse, considering in the comics he did not have a chance to make a terrible mistake before finding out how deadly Genesis can be.

IDK, sometimes people just randomly get sick of watching other kids get bullied and decide to be nice. It happens. Even with teenage boys.

You would think that if they have cryogentic tech they would also have hydroponics. Why are they even planting in soil in the first place?

I'm fairly certain the Martin is the Beast, but Plover directly influences the manifestations of Martin's evil. Plover is the most evil thing he can imagine, of course when Martin reforms himself as a fantasy world supervillain he takes on traits of Plover. Eliot was making a throwaway joke, but on some level, Martin