
I feel it is hard for the show to have any slow burns when they resolve things so quickly. Here is this character, is he or isn’t he a skrull? A few moments later, he is! You end an episode with G’iah being shot and open up the next episode showing how she survived it. It just lacks any feeling of suspense when

I thought for certain that was Rhodey’s voice on the other end of the phone to Fury’s wife at the end of the episode.

Why didn’t he just splurge the extra money for the submersible yacht option? 

Not necessarily a bad story, but during the road portion of the behind the wheel class there was one particular instructor that would always have us do a slow drive through a new car dealership. You could see all the salesmen almost press up against the office glass to watch us as this old beat up, brown sedan with a

I figured a 90 minute episode last night, I will watch this and DVR Westworld. Felt like I made the wrong choice.

So Maggie being kicked when her and Carol were taken hostage caused the baby to pass, and now the zombie baby is trying to eat it's way out of the womb? No, that's even too weird for this show to do, right?

I think the thing that bugged me the most about this mini season was I was thinking it would be a good way for them to tell a solid 6 episode X-Files story in a way better than a 2 hour movie, but instead they just went for "hey, let's just do another random 6 episodes" style instead. When everything hit the fan this

I really like a large part of Indie Cindy, but some of the songs I hear Pixies fans say don't sound like Pixies songs sound to me more like Frank Black solo songs with a hint of Pixies added to it by the rest of the band. Which I don't think is a bad thing.