Friendly reminder that this guy was BORN in 1994. He didn’t graduate in 94 or start high school in 94. He was BORN in 1994. Means he would have been about 10 in 2004, and probably starting high school in 2006/2007.
Friendly reminder that this guy was BORN in 1994. He didn’t graduate in 94 or start high school in 94. He was BORN in 1994. Means he would have been about 10 in 2004, and probably starting high school in 2006/2007.
“People who judge games based on hour counts and map sizes might find Mirage to come up short. But for players who prefer games that don’t feel overstuffed with padding and side missions, Mirage will be a wonderful gift.”
> At times, playing Mirage, it almost felt like I was playing a modern remake of the original Assassin’s Creed. [...] Ubisoft has seemingly, for the first time in a while, resisted the siren’s call that leads to its open-world action games being completely papered over in map markers, locations, and quests.
I only made it three regions into Valhalla and, while I don’t begrudge the fact Ubisoft made this wide world that some of its players could explore, I really wished it had offered a straightforward route through the story content and major landmarks.
We were just at Disneyland and I was surprised by how much of Disney California Adventure was taken up by Marvel-themed attractions. I don’t know that any of these properties have proven they have the staying power to warrant their own rides.
I was hoping the silence about this over the last day was purposeful on Jez’s part, but I guess y’all are really just behind.
not sure if it’s just me but **Buy Steam gift card:** popping up over and over in the review is weird.
“For context, Baldur’s Gate 3 will likely get more reviews that adjust its overall score in the coming days, as reviewers[..]”
Let me meet Strahd. I don’t care how we get there.
Counterpoint, if nude mods in video games is how you get your rocks off have at it! I’m too old to kink shame. Just disable all mods (or use a console) for tournament play. I don’t even own a pc, but some of the mods I’ve seen are cool as shit. Would’ve been super cool to co-op Elden Ring.
I don’t know wth this comment means, but it’s hilarious! 🤣🤣
Don’t act like you never used Sgt Jamjars’ blessed zoomed-in first person view to stare at Humba Wumba’s giant jubba jubbas
A few days ago i commented on some guide article about how this website sure has changed and someone replied “elaborate”. And well... now this happened.
Herbs don’t know how to run a site, much less a whole network of sites
What do you have against plants used for flavoring and garnish? How are they a negative influence on this site?
This sucks so, so much. I will miss Waypoint Radio most of all. I hope eveyone lands on their feet and keeps doing stuff where I can continue to follow them.
“Oh honey, I just tell our family and friend’s that you do porn. It’s easier to explain!”
To me Star Citizen seems one of the most flagrant examples of scope creep. Yes, the devs have clearly been working on stuff and there’s progress to show. But so long as they keep adding new features that push the goal post even further back, then an actual release date will be that much longer to come.