
Were any of the text messages to Lex Luger, implicitly or explicitly stating that they will allow themselves to be slammed on the deck of the Intrepid??????

Look at these fucking party poopsters

Joe Jackson would have beaten the bejeezus out of these poor kids.

I like to think that Mr Fuji and Classy Freddie Blassie are sitting somewhere, beaming with pride that the cane swing is still in style.

I refuse to acknowledge any halftime lapdance promotion that doesn't include the full roll call of girls assembling on stage while "Girls, Girls, Girls" blares over the PA.

Austin's "And that's the bottom line..." and Rocky's "If you smelll...." have NOTHING on Bart Scott's closing "Can't Wait!"

I want to meet the chick who was turned on by a showering Sam Cassell. That is a feature-on-Real Sex-level kink.

He's too busy contemplating the groupies he's going to plow through tonight.

BBWAA members are used to writing about the story, not making it.

apparently they use Ding Dongs for pucks

I love how this fight was over the staggeringly high amount of $1,500. My retired Aunt loses more than that while playing Keno and waiting to get on to a 20-40 table at Casino Arizona.

So the sight's showing animated porn now? What, dong shots weren't enough???

(looking at picture)

Look at these fucking quipsters.

Maybe, proving that irony is not without a sense of humor, a hot chick roofy'd him before he went on???

Hype Williams totally should have produced that "Call Me A Duck" piece. What that video needed was some fish-eyed lens work.

Come on....a post with the words "Gash finally opens up" in it. This is worse than McLain grooving The Mick his 500th home run.

As an Arizona State alum, let me tell you that this is the most a Sun Devil football player has given anyone since the end of the 2007 season.

Judging by the defense in that pic, it's more like Dolce and Go-By-Ya'!

The Panthers had heavily hyped their Hanukkah celebrations