
Did he have a turbo button on the gun?

You used the N word in your blog quoting Lamey’s story, you should be fired too.

God they’re so hot.

If Trump said it, would it still be hilarious?

They’re 7th in payroll.    Imagine if Cespedes & Wright weren’t hurt, Harvey didn’t get hurt and was dominating like it was 2013.    And Syndergaard wasn’t hurt.   They’re be a 90 win team.   Blame everything on the Wilpons?  Dumb.

Get over it!

RU crazy?   What American player wants to leave the US to live in that shithole PR for six months?

The 1999 Final Four was in St. Pete, FL, not Detroit?

+1. Mashed potatoes and gravy. 


I can’t imagine Trout playing in freezing April in Boston/NY and performing the same early in the season. He should stay in LA.

“OSU is in lol-Ohio”

Yep, the C’s are in trouble, but it’ll be a good playoff experience for Brown/Tatum

Get off your iphone and watch the game.

Obama didn’t do anything in his hometown of Chicago.

Allen was trying to have that Laettner moment in the Regional Final.....it would’ve been ok to pass the ball.

22 and already has two kids? Sheeesh.

81 points? Gretzky used to have that points total by Christmas.

I’d like to volunteer to be the father......if I could have her too.

How about union leaders using the dues properly, instead of fat salaries for themselves and donations to the Democratic Party?