
Lipinski blew Kwan away on Technical Merit and excitement. Kwan relied on the artistic impression scores too much.  Plus, look at the end of each of the programs. Kwan just stood there like a dud while Tara was so pumped and excited. Judges like excitement.

She’s so hot.

Nice job. I used to be a NFL viewer, 1-10pm on Sundays. Now on Sunday afternoons, a long walk or sitting outside with a soda, or doing anything in fresh autumn air is more appealing than being indoors staring at a TV.

Time to get a job.

“Shaun White’s still got it.” No mention of #metoo or is it just for Barstool stuff?

It’s tennis, no one cares. Wasn’t DY supposed to be the next big thing?

Venezuela - is it a shit hole country?

If this was a woman in a bikini getting this publicity, the #metoo nuts would be going crazy.

He still broke the law.

Adam Jones did lie. How come the person yelling it was never outed by anyone? The Sox owner owns the Globe, he could easily “out” the guy.....

Yes, and I wish there were Ivanka nudes.

Federer....PED user?

Damn she’s cute.

She’s just looking for a TV headlines.....kinda like Anna Nicole Smith’s judge.

Mitch Gaylord?

You don’t have a niece/nephew who would want a souvenir mini-helmet?

I’d love to see Heath on Pornhub w/ Alex Morgan. On the field? Who cares.

Agree with “save your money”....I net $1,100 weekly, 3+ of those checks go right into savings every month.

Nice pic of Pres Clinton & Gov Richards. Looks like Chelsea has a D in her mouth.

Great read....Thanks!