
With Kuiper and Starlink getting ready to put over 100,000 more in orbit across the entire planet in a tight grid, im guessing these “regular” one off launches are going to become a lot more problematic

Appropriate White Cultural Icons? Sure! its progressive!

At the end of the day - its still a hardcore Islamic country with Blasphemy Laws and Curbs on Men and Women and LGBTQ+ with a death penalty for violating Islamic Vices.

Will ya’ll just shuddup and post something positive?


1oo% certain FAA will delay Starships PEA approval because of SLS’ delays

I dont get it. Whats the point of a billboard you cant see?

Oy! It looks EXACTLY like Diviniy: Original Sin 2!! 

sorry im gonna recline regardless. asking someone and them saying NO and you’re stuck for 8-21 hours - which is my average span - sitting straight is a torture because now you CANT recline period...after Asking. I’d rather keep the benefit of doubt to reduce my discomfort than get a NO and now being stuck in nomans

Go after the downloaders as well. stealing is stealing..the reporter is spot on “if you wont steal a car..why steal Stranger Things? at the minimum a hefty fine so they dont ever think about doing this again..

Big Deal.I Achieved Condom Supremacy years ago soon as I turned 18!

Back when the Steam Engine was becoming popular - a prominent scietist had made the following claim -”To think the Steam Engine can outdo the Stage coach is at best a fantasy in the realms of physical transportation. It is neither practical nor possible now or in the near future”

what happens to the movies bought on Itunes on Windows? They’re a proprietery format that cant be played anywhere else

as long as there’s no Hair Tugging, Dress Smoothening, Sniffs and Snorts - I’ll take any creative direction

no guided sleds? what happens if a car breaks down in the cramped tunnel?

you liberal crackpots are everywhere *facepalm*

shoot - didnt think Ellen would stoop to this. we’re doing name calling now?

another store? after battlenet origin steam these punks really want to clutter the hard drive incessantly...they cant beat steam..its impossible...why not just roll with them

ANOTHER app i need to install? I already loathe having steam + origin + Battle.net and was hoping Origin and Battle.net somehow give up their “Me Myself” only and host their games on Steam who frankly is still the King of third party hosting. At this rate every publisher will end up hosting their own app. 

if this SoB doesnt get 25-30 years with no possibility of parole- there’s going to be an overall collapse in belief of the justice system.