
Ok - why the unnecessary hate on those suffering from visual disabilities? I call foul. Two swipes within 5 minutes, including casual admission of everyday job discrimination. Get a clue - someone with an eye patch not only is suffering from an impairment or disability not shared by the vast majority of the

To be fair, back in the 1870s the whole concept was still very much a novelty. I could see people wanting to take a souvenir.

I'm totally down with that. It's like "I'm allergic to coconuts and rice, but Imma gonna go on Survivor".

Ex-Squeeze me? You're saying that minority-types need to monitor and plan their own behavior for the specific purpose of denying idiot bigots their bigotry? So if I'm a black guy who just happens to like watermelon and I'm at the company picnic, I'd better not allow myself to have any in front of my white colleagues

I am totally down with anything that will bring Lily Rabe back to my teevee/computer screen

Strictly a matter of taste (heh), but newbies often have a bit of a kid in a candy store response to finally allowing themselves access to the D, and its as valid a source of attraction as some shallow queen passing judgement and basing suitability solely on subjectively perceived "hotness".

True - it *is* the new cost-conscious B&T Marnie.

She'll reappear on Celebrity Match Game 2060 and all the kids will be "Who's she?"

For all we know Keith is hung like a Russian racehorse

Old Marnie: I don't even need to mention not to mind me peeing while we converse in the bathroom.
New Marnie: Everybody out - I need the bathroom

Do comments a year after the fact matter?