
Sinister Six... Not, Secret Six

You are only as good as your last game - or the work you did. More commonly than not, access to your work for personal use in your portfolio is restricted, if your game is canceled and doesn't shi[ and/or you are suddenly cut-off it's potentially even worse - as you may have worked on something for several years with

If the copy doesn't really know the difference (or care) whether or not it's the source, would it matter? I do like the idea of the gradual change and incorporation into the digital...

all I can think of now is 'nut gobbler'

I kicked my twin brother in the nuts hard enough to send him to the hospital for a surgery.

Leaving the commentary to a social site isn't such a bad idea... people will chat about topics regardless of whether a media site allows that chat to be on their website alongside the articles.

Blood Bowl?

At least is has a 'big red button'... you know, if you can get to it while it's tearing your face off.

Doesn't amputating the digits of a bunch of mice seems a little psychotic?


The idea you can hold the rights and patent to something 'natural' is ridiculous... synthetic, different story. But if we want companies to be able to continue to recoup costs of research and/or profit from it, then make sure we continue to allow patents on processes or methods - like a method of testing, or process

Actually, foreign entity allies have since the cold war era had mutual agreements to effectively spy on one another. For instance, 'they' are not supposed to legally be spying on the american people, however our allies in the UK could basically spy on us (wiretap, etc.) for them.

They are building a 1-million square foot facility in Utah to store and process the data.

Big brother? ... more like Big Bother!

tell them that.

It would really be the future, if the President openly declared a Cyber-War against a foe.

Now we just need a couple of killer exclusives.

I think since 9-11 there have been like 23 domestic terrorism related incidents.

Ah, totally switching back iphone NOW... lol.

Math is a language.