
I finished it about 30 minutes ago. I’m a haaaayoooooooooge Star Wars fan but I’m seeing so much praise for this game and I think it’s being graded on a curve just for being a decent Star Wars game with a long campaign. It’s fun but also frustrating. It’s nowhere near as good as any of the games it tries to emulate

Anyone else think this game is just boring as all fuck?

My Steam Review sums this one up... Added a little, but here’s a true review of this uninspired experience.

Yeah, I don’t really get the “review the show you wish was happening” because for me the story they are telling is fascinating, and inhabited by plenty of rounded characters.

For me, the biggest advancement in the technology of the current generation of consoles is the ability to suspend the system and the game you’re currently playing. Not having to wait for a game to load when you sit down to play makes short play sessions much more enjoyable.

“But connecting peripherals is important and I don’t own/plan on buying bluetooth headphones or carrying around an extra dongle to use wired headphones.”

I can’t believe they got people worked up about their cloud tech at the Xbox One launch, and then instead of delivering, they turn around and sell gamers a more expensive Xbox One X with all of that power they promised.

There goes my hope of the game having a surprise june release announcement on Sunday :(

I can understand if someone simply has to take a crap and the only choice is to find a patch of dirt or vegetation because there’s no time to do otherwise. We’re only human and there are few who want to drop a full load in their pants.

I completely agree, it’s a bit ridiculous but it gets them clicks and controversy so it works for them.


Has anyone (except Hamilton Nolan, though I’m not sure when exactly he did, I’m just sure he has) ever pointed out to these assholes that capitalism is basically “spending other people’s money” whether it’s debt or equity through an IPO?

“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”

It’s true. I read very slowly.

all that needs to be done like any other company is to put the older stock on sale. if there was a 40% sale i would buy a ton of them

It’s an opinion piece, appended to a blog that often features opinion pieces.

The primary divide between this opinion piece and others on larger, more prominent platforms (looking at you, Cillizza) is that Nathan took the time to break down the primary components of the controversy, to explain why each side feels the

Good. This is honorable if you ask me. They dedicated a team (Not the entire studio, just a small team) to repairing a product that is well past any future profits they may generate. They are fixing and improving the game because it’s the right thing to do. And it’s a fantastic gesture of good will toward the players

If only we could, y’know, bring down the price of housing and offer job pay that would allow an adult working 40 hours a week to own a home, car, and be able to reasonably pay off their debts. But no, let’s keep up with glorifying exhaustion and making people who “don’t whine about income or debt” heroes.

I literally love that Pew seems to be so casually racist that he lets it fly when he isn’t checking himself. Those types of dicks are just as bad as the hardcore assholes as its almost second nature, IMHO.
I grew up around racists and despise people that thinks its ok to be like a somewhat ‘soft racist’. My dad avowed

Let’s stop beating around the bush and just call out Pewdipie as the racist fuckbucket that he is.