That’s how he is asking to be judged.
That’s how he is asking to be judged.
I feel like he became the worst thing on that show. Because I do mind TJ Miller generally, but loved him on SV the first few seasons. By the end I was reminded why I wasn’t a fan in the first place.
How come so few minorities identify as conservative?
You separate creator from content because it benefits you. All the flavor, none of the sugar. It’s your choice. Some people can’t separate creator from content and have no interest in doing it.
Great thing about Daniel Tiger is there is a song for every situation. Then when that situation comes up in my kids’ life, I can sing the song and they get it. When you’re sick, rest is best, rest is best. and: If your friend doesn’t want to play with you, you can find something else to do. It goes on and on.
You don’t deserve to win if you get strip sacked on the game winning drive.
There’s a great new feature for this. Stick your fingers in your ears, close your eyes and yell La, la, la, la, la until you feel safe again.
I have never gotten a flu shot. I have never had the flu.
Kids are kind of the X factor in this situation. I have no idea what I did with my time before kids. I can’t even remember what that feels like.
He was a super bowl winning QB before this. Plenty of QBs played into their 40s. No proof whatsoever that this routine is helping him.
Its not getting Tom rich. Its getting the person selling stuff to him rich. Try and keep up.
Not 100% true. There was an article going around talking about Activision’s pressure on bungie to get d2 out on a specific timetable. They essentially had to get minimum viable product out the door, by contract. Now, with PC launching, they may finally get the time they need to improve it. They did nothing but improve…
I don;t know if he did it or not. If he did, he should be punished accordingly. But, is anyone even accusing him of it? Its a rumor that online journalists are trying to prove true, but no one is speaking out.
She looks like Mike Huckabee in a wig.
I’m new to OW. IS Junkrat frowned upon?
QTE’s are trash. not fun. imo.
How are you pretty sure? Something you read or just guessing?
You sound really invested in PS4 superiority.
It cost them my sale. I was shopping for a game on Friday. I was considering Prey, but I was waiting for reviews from outlets I trust. In the meantime, I purchased a few other cheaper games and used up my budget. Maybe with a price drop in the future. But maybe not.